Academic City in August 2022. Sims 4 Virtual Scientific Work Place Modeling. Day of knowledge 2022 prep

In August 2022, we've got many occasions in the Krasnoyarsk City from the 394 year City Krasnoyarsk Anniversary up to late summer and early autumn harvest time and, no doubt, Day of Knowledge prep. In the end of August, I decided to visit Krasnoyarsk Academic City for the third time and tried to resume up on the peculiarities of its citizens and the whole surrounding environment as the united ecosystem, strongly influencing Krasnoyarsk City conceptual, infrastructural and constructural rootings in the Soviet period and nowadays. Also, I've finally found the Institution of forest under the name of Sukachev V.N. , attached to the Siberian subsidiary of Russian Academy of Science. Having looked at the Institutions of Physics and Biophysics, Krasnoyarsk Scientific Center of Siberian branch of Russian Academy of Science, I wondered what scientific work and procedures exactly are performed up there on a daily basis. Firstly, I decided to reconstruct the scientif...