
Сообщения за ноябрь, 2023

2024 NY celeb prep. Big city Alive & National federal project point of view

 The National federal 2023 NY line with ' Year of tutor & pedagogical worker ' is almost over and we're preparing for the new mission 2024 ( fed doc ).  Useful links, connected  National projects official site Volunteering platform My own volunteering experience, documented & signed at the office 'My documents'   Anyway, this is 'Big City Alive' project   within the frames of national federal project lines ' Education ' and ' Development of enterprenuership ' and new blog post on 2024 NY celeb prep in Krasnoyarsk. According to oriental calendar, 2023 is a year of Rabbit (or hare) and (or) Cat. So, for 2023 NY ending, I decided to create my own symbol of 2023 as a prep for upcoming 2024, here are visual results. It's a red cat, leading to new beginning - fiery dragon