City Touring. Videopodcasting on Krasnoyarsk City Dwelling. Attachment

04/14/2022. Big City Touring. This is a video attachment to Pod- and Videocasting Series "(City) Dwelling". Here is a night walk around Partizan Zheleznyak, Malinovskiy, Krasnodarskaya and Metallurgov Streets. There is a discussion on the life of so-called Green Grove (or in the Soviet Period - Military City, or Avia City, right now it's just the name of the bus station near 50 Partizan Zheleznyak Street), including Soviet shop dwellings, for example, the shop 'Metallurgov' and shop Innokentievskiy' on Metallurgov Street, there is a little bit of a talk on so-called soviet 'Officers' Cafe' on Krasnodarskaya Street in the late 80-s and early 90-s of the 20th century.


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