Krasnoyarsk pedagogical university visiting. Central block new project background, including Siberian traditional cinema technical and programming assets

Here is almost the closing part of the 2022 Enrollment campaign in Krasnoyarsk. So, I decided to take a look at that from not very habitual pespective, exactly from the view  of Siberian cinema technical and programming assets and, also, visit Krasnoyarsk pedagogical university to figure out some stuff on Doctorate postgrad program. At the main university building, I've found some posters and stands with the 2022 enrollment campaign info, usually phone numbers, addresses, major or specialty titles, numbers designated to classes attached to particular majors. Figured out that the postgrad departure was transformed into scientific and research center. 

So, let's take a glance at challenges prepared by the Siberian cinema representatives  from the technical and programming background for 2022 future ICT and other stuff professionals, participated in the 2022 enrollment campaign 


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