Krasnoyarsk aeroport in the Emeliyanovskiy region. Overview of electrical infrastructure on the way to the aeroport

 Let's take a look at the Krasnoyarsk International aeroport and surrounding electrical infrastructure. To get to the aeroport, you need to find the way to Kalinina Street, check out it on Google maps. 

Kalinina Street

There're couple of ways how to get Kalinina Street. Fistly, you can get there, starting your way from the Vzletka microblock, for example, from the bus station 'Aviagorodok', you can go up to the Federal tax service of the Krasnoyarsk region and go along Partizan Zheleznyal 46-48 dwelling complex 'Scandis', then go along car dealer services, including Porsche, Mazda, Nissan and others. Then, get to the Siberian Exhibition Center 'Siberia' and find the Streets 78 Volonteering Brigade near the Vankor Oil company, take a look at google maps, go along and try to find the turn near Molokova Street, 66. Then go along and along up to Dmitry Martynov Street, find mall 'Pokrovskiy'. Continue your way straight to Chernyshevskogo Street, try to find the 4th FarEast (Dalnevostochnaya) Street and its interconnection with the 2nd Bryanskaya Street, to figure out where the connection exactly is, check the bus route number 11 (especially, bus station 'the 4th Dalnevostochnaya', near Chernychevskogo Street). Then, go along Dimitriy Martynova Street and the 4th FarEast (Dalnevostochnaya) Street, go along and along up to the Business Center 'Grani', then turn left and go along the road along the 2nd Bryanskaya Street. Then, after the Circle Movement on the 2nd Bryanskay Street, leading to Kalinina Street, find the bus station the 1st Kalinina, go along Kalinina Street up to the bus station 'Tarnaya Base', nearby, you can find market Lerua Merlen and KFC restaurant. Go along Kalinina Street till you see the Big Letters 'Krasnoyarsk 2019'.
Then, find the federal road 'P-255', right now, in the end of June 2022, it's under reconstruction process, conducted by the company 'SibUpravTodor'. In case, some more details, how to find  the federal road 'P-255', take a look at the Kalinina Street bus stations, for example, the bus station 'Base UMTS', 'AZS', 'Fire Fighters Department''DRSU', finally, find the bus station 'Oktyabrskiy District Monument' and on the opposite side of the road, you can see the letters 'Krasnoyarsk 2019'. Then, go along the federal road 'P-255', pass settlements Drokino in Emeliyanovskiy region, find the bus station 'Logovik' up there, then find another settlement, exactly, the village 'Tvorogovo', nearby, you probably find some gas stations Olmal and Gazprom, for example

Then, you obviuosly find the village settlement 'Emeliyanovo'. According to Duble Gis info, it's M-53 federal road. Then, you'll find settlement 'Cheremshanka', that's really near the international airport Krasnoyarsk. 


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